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Bose Ultra Open Earbuds

Sold from 2024 – present

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Using multiple Bluetooth® connections

This product does not support multi-point (being connected simultaneously with two Bluetooth devices). However, you can switch between two previously connected devices without disconnecting and reconnecting each time by following these steps:

To reconnect to a different device:

To reconnect to a different device using the earbuds, you must set a shortcut to Switch Devices.
  1. Press and hold the button on the earbud assigned to switch devices.
    A voice prompt will first announce the name of the currently-connected device, followed by the names of the other devices in the previously paired to the earbuds
  2. When you hear the name of the device you'd like to connect to, release the button.
    You will hear a tone that indicates when the device is connected.
You can also reconnect to a different device using the Bose app icon or by selecting the earbuds in the Bluetooth menu of the device you like to change to.
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